During the first Meeting in Bochum, Germany, the students were guided by scientist from the Universität Duisburg Essen to design a questionnaire. The idea was to find out the reasons for chemistry being such an unpopular subject.
At this point we would like to thank the Faculty of Chemistry Didactics at the University of Duisburg-Essen, in particular Prof. Dr. Stachelscheid for her friendly support.
After a Seminar about the theory of Surveys the students were asked to write questions which should be used in the Survey. Here are there original suggestions:
And finally they decided to take this questions:
Based on this results a proper questionnaire was designed in english. Every Partner translated this Version into to his mother tongue to use it for a Survey at his School.
You can download the different versions here as pdf-documents to use it at your school:
Questionnaire about the atractivity of chemistry lessons
Depending on the specific condition in each School aprox. 100 students from different grades took part in the Survey at each school.
Since jimdo (free) does only allow a few file formats for downloads we can only offer you the pdfs from the Excel data or the PowerPoint presentation. If you want to download the original formats you have to got to the Ma.t.che.s. page on the TwinSpace at eTwinning.
Here are the results for you to download: